what made you get into high end gear.

im pretty sure most if not all of us here have been music lovers & system owners off & on our entire lives so the love of good music isnt really what im lookin for.

what really got me thinking about this was i was lookin at the virtual systems a while back when i read where another member gave a reason why he got into high end gear & it floored me,i swear what this guy wrote coulda been a page from my life.

i guess what im askin is was there a special moment or a certian peice of gear that caused you to take the leap from store bought systems into the world of high end gear.

i'll wait to post my reasons as i dont want to make the thread take a certian course.

I wasn't convinced before, but after seeing that shot of Christy, I'm certain that we made the right decision to buy a pair of Klipschorns.
1971 - I was a freshman at Ohio University and walked into an audio boutique on Union Street in Athens Ohio. Anyone else out there remember that store? The owner had a Beethoven piano concerto playing on some JBL L100's. First time I ever heard a Beethoven piano concerto, and the first time I ever heard what decent equipment could sound like. I walked in on a whim, and pretty much walked out with a whole new perspective on music and a lifetime hobby. I had no money, and the salesman knew it, but he engaged me in a conversation about the music and the equipment anyway. I guess he saw I was enthralled by what I was hearing. Ironically, I never spent a dime in his store, and never got those JBL's I wanted so badly. That was a long time ago. My love for Beethoven hasn’t changed, nor has the great people with whom I share this hobby. Happily, the equipment has changed, and all for the better. It’s been a while since I thought about that day. Thanks for the memory!
What do you do when you move from the big city to some small northern town, and you don't drink? I thought that I would buy a matching brand Japanese stereo system and be happy. Guess what? I found out that there are actually audio manufacturers in North America! Oh,oh. 17 years later, I've moved back to the big city, but I'm posting on Audiogon. Some addictions are hard to break.
Hey, that pic is gone! I guess AA took it down. Damn!

Wouldn't want to deprive all you devoted audiophiles the view of such a fine pair of horns just because AA is so up tight about it.
