RCA Living Stereo SACD batch 3

I just today received my shipment of the latest batch of RCA Living Stereo SACD's. I thought I'd see who else has them, and what they thought about them.
I've listened to 2 of them:

Chopin - Piano Concerto's 1 & 2 - Arthur Rubinstein
Strauss - Scenes from Salome and Elektra - Reiner/CSO & Inge Borkh

I thought the Chopin disc had too much spurious noise in the background and also sounded bright.
The Strauss was very, very good.

I've listened to two more:

Brahms & Tchaikovsky Violin Concertos - Heifetz / CSO / Reiner. Excellent, performance and sound. Dynamic and detailed, yet warm and oh so listenable.

Rachmaninov / Prokofiev 3rd Piano Concertos - Van Cliburn / CSO / Reiner. Also excellent, however, the Rachmaninov is a live recording and someone in the audience coughed all the way through it. A shame.
Tfkaudio: Thanks for the info. What performance of the Mahler Fourth is this? Enquiring minds want to know. Also, I got the Heifetz/Hendl/Chicago SO Sibelius Violin Concerto on RCA hybrid SACD and can heartily recommend it: the sound is excellent, the performance is the best one ever, and at mid-price the disc includes the Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 2 and the Glazunov Violin Concerto, all prime mature Heifetz (1959-1963). A great disc on all counts.
The Mahler 4th is by The CSO with Fritz Reiner conducting. Soprano is Lisa Della Casa. Recorded in 1958.
I agree with Texasdave and the Heifetz recording from batch 2 might be my favorite of the bunch. Certainly musically, if not sonically.
Right now I'm gettting set to play the Frank Symphony in D and Petrouchka. More on that later.