Guilty pleasure music?

How about this for a thread -- name some of your guilty pleasures musically. What albums/CDs/tapes do you dig out of their hiding places and put on when nobody's looking? What do you like that you'd hate to admit to the Keepers of the Cool? I'll start with ... Stand Up by David Lee Roth. Okay, the guy's a jerk and has about a 4-note range. But this song, along with "Just Like Living in Paradise," really kicks. Steve Vai casually tosses off guitar leads that smoke, the drumming is punchy and the bass packs a nice whomp. Just the thing to blare through a pair of headphones as you get your workout in high gear. So, who's next? Anybody wanna fess up to liking Alice Cooper? Bad Company? Early Chicago?
Don't any of you guys listen to anything but rock? Yes, I'll admit I'm an old hippie. I loved Hendrix, Zepplin, Deep Purple, CS&N, etc. (and still do) however, with the gazillion dollars we have all spent on our music systems, I find that jazz now takes me to the next level. Try plugging in Diana Krall, Lee Ritnour, Patricia Barber, and Acoustic Alchemy...For those of you that don't like jazz, I'll admit to owning all of the Iron Butterfly albums and even one from a group called Atomic Rooster!
JAGUAR, Diana Krall and Patricia Barber aren't a guilty pleasure, but poorly recorded and dynamically compressed/limited rock music can be. We all like minimalist recorded jazz and classical on here, and don't consider them a guilty pleasure.
This thread has, with the exception of a few responses, failed miserably. As its originator, I suggest we kill it. Let's get back to talking about the really important stuff, like active vs. passive pre-amps, line conditioners and the best CD player $5,000 can buy. We'll never reach a consensus on music and taste, apparently.
Michael, I disagree, I find it mazingly interesting that people who are well informed and knowledgeable in the field of High end audio listen to all kinds of music! Sure I'd never bring old New York Dolls to a store to test speakers or CD players, but I WILL STILL LISTEN TO THEM!!!! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who is hanging on the the music they grew up with! And Hendrix?? How could you EVER consider Hendrix music to be ashamed of? Hell, I even bought Rainbow Bridge on DVD! I'm even open about listening to Prince! It just doesn't matter, if you like it, it's good to you, that should be all that matters! By the way, I'm really surprised the Minutemen were listed! d boon Rules! In fact, Double Nickels on the Dime was in my Proceed PCD2 when I saw that!