Super Audio CD

I have not had the opportunity to listen to a Super Audio CD player yet in person and was wondering what people think of them who have experience with them. First off, what do yoiu think of the different models you have experience with and second, do you think that buying one is a better investment than a comprably priced CD player? Related to that is the question of how well those players play normal CDs. Thanks in advance!
Carl, I have a Calfornia Audio Labs SS-2500 SSP which I use for as a dac. However it is still fatiguing when compared to SACD. Sorry. Cal audio does cd very well, but in case you did not notice, cd sucks which is why SACD and DVD-A were created. I know this is a dead horse because many still love records, etc,ect. but SACD is the "real deal".
No offense, but your dac is not a highend piece of equipment, and you need to educate yourself with regards to superior CD players. You're just showing your ignorance here.
Carl, enough with the childishness, if you don't consider a 5400.00 processor high-end, so be it. I am sure you have the "ultimate" cd player if your small minded opinion. But it stills sucks because cd sucks. YOu can buy the most expensive player made and the Sony SACD will still sound better. If you have to spend more money on a dac than I already have, then that should tell you something. Any 16 year old format that still requires that much money to be spent in order for it not to be harsh is flawed. Bought a Pioneer dvd player, sorry if not expensive enough for you and no snob appeal like your Krell, with 96/24 digital out to my CAl SSP-2500 and damn for a couple of hundred dollars it blows the hell out of cd just not enough disk recorded to enjoy. I live hear in New Orleans and am close friends with a famous Jazz musican who is an audiophile as well and my little "cheap" dac as you say impressed the hell out of him with the Pioneer dVd player, so I had to laugh at you and figured you have started to take yourself a little too seriouly.
Yes, by all means, laugh at me. It's obvious that you know a whole lot more than me, and can hear better than me, so I absolutely defer to your thoughts here. I apologize for trying to tell you something, when I couldn't possibly know what I'm talking about.
NOW,BOYS---If they came out with the "perfect"format everybody would have it,then what would we have to talk about? And if we didn't talk and exchange what would we learn? I'm an audio/video person. There are several similarities as I see it.I bought my Etite 09 dvd player for the movies it plays.It is mediocre at best,as a cd transport.If the sacd players are similar[ouch].Sort of like hdtv;not enough programing;so it has to do the reg stuff well, till there is enough software/programing.Sort of like the 1/2 speed Shefield lps I own. Great sonics but none of stuff I love to listen to