John Lennon

As this is the 20th anniversary of the tragic death of John Lennon i would like to share my respect with all Audiogon members.
I just want to let Kevperro know that he's not alone in his sentiments and in answer to his question it seems to be some kind of inflationary economics of envy/adoration similar to the related scapegoat phenomenon. Witness princess Diana, et al. The enigma of glamour
Kudos to what 90493 has stated here, and I could not have expressed it better than this. It stunned me that it was 20 Years ago, and how time flies. A masterpiece was lost this day many years ago, and I will never forget the unbelievable maronic loss.
John Lennon was not a saint; he definitly did and said things that I would consider morally questionable. But then so did JFK, Elvis, Mozart,...... the list is endless. We are only human and each of us commits sins and makes mistakes. The point is that some humans have the incredible gift to enrich the lives of many, despite their human flaws.To many of us John Lennon was such a person; one who permanently changed our lives in a, hopefully, positive way. I simply felt it appropriate to acknowledge this and the anniversary of his passing. And to give thanks that such a person, flaws and all, could make my life happier through his music.