Jazz- Modern big band

Was going to post at Jazz Recommendations but thought better make a new thread... Any suggestions for good contemporary (let's say last 20 or so years) big band material? Economics make this an increasingly rare format, but there must be some good stuff out there. I read about Maria Schneider in the Dec. Sterophile; maybe I should try her. I have and enjoy Gil Evans sessions at Sweet Basil. I suppose Thad Jones and Mel Lewis still have their orchestra going. I used to really dig the Toshiko Akiyoshi/Lew Tabackin big band; Akiyoshi must still be doing her thing. I haven't been paying attention for a while and don't have anything in big band, besides the Evans, from the 80's or 90's. What should I be aware of?
Seems like you folks have a pretty good handle on the US big band scene (Mingus BB, Maria Scneider, etal.) so I'd like to suggest something from our European friends. From Holland there's Pierre Dorge and New Jungle Orchestra - a wonderful group that's been together since the mid 1980's. From Vienna there's the Vienna Art Orchestra, another long lived ensemble. And from England there's Brotherhood of Breath. Germany brings us Klaus Konig and Italy has The Italian Insatible Orchestra. Plus there are quite a few more, if you're interested just drop me an email.
Jayboard: The David Murray recordings from the '80's on Black Saint / Soul Note featured both his octet and his big band. If you are a relatively experienced jazz listener with a sense of adventure, you should find the Murray recordings a lot of fun. One of the posts above mentioned some European bands, and I thought I'd add to the list: check out the Willem Breuker Collectif - fun, zany stuff. Another band that I had some fun with is The Microseptic Septet, which is sort of an American version of the Brueker Collectif.
Bill Holman Band 'Brilliant Corners", the music of Thelonious Monk. JVCXR-0028-2.