Ken Burns' JAZZ starts Monday on PBS!

A reminder that Ken Burns' 10 part series begins Monday in most all of the USA. Burns' past documentaries have been "The Civil War" and "Baseball." They were very, very good. Enjoy! Charlie
I will probably tape and watch at my leisure. I usually do not place much weight on critics, however all the reviews (that were not advertisements in disguise) in the media from those who got advanced viewing, have been fair to bad. I've read Ken Burns has left out about half of the nation's Jazz community completely, such as latin jazz and many other forms. I've read that people like Dave Brubeck and many many other legendary performers are not even mentioned once in 19 hours of programming. He proclaims Duke Ellington the greatest composer in history, period. Quite a statement for a documentary. I am sure there is some diagreement there. He makes the same type of declarations in other areas of performance. But I will still browse the tapes for the music parts and ignore the preaching from Mr. Burns. Just passing on what I have read and heard. Happy viewing.
Thanks everyone for the information. Even if the end product is not as good as we might hope for, at least jazz is getting SOME coverage on national television. Hopefully a few people not familiar with the art form will be stimulated to explore something new to them.