Classic country (American Jazz) is nothing
like the Country Music Video Pop.....that many people see
as country music. While great country music has roots and well as heart/class....current pop/country is
the most $$$$ promoted and marketed music in the world...the
"Boyz2Men" of the world cannot, financially, compete with
the money spent on what most people think of as "country
music".... Even Ray Charles (read: Jazz) had country hits..
when country music was about music...not truck pulls.
like the Country Music Video Pop.....that many people see
as country music. While great country music has roots and well as heart/class....current pop/country is
the most $$$$ promoted and marketed music in the world...the
"Boyz2Men" of the world cannot, financially, compete with
the money spent on what most people think of as "country
music".... Even Ray Charles (read: Jazz) had country hits..
when country music was about music...not truck pulls.