Techno Anyone?

Does any body on this forum every listen to techno type music? I do a little and am amazed at how good some of it actually sounds and it also tends to be very adventurous. Or are most of you the Tech*NO* crowd which I would understand.
Nilthepill-Haven't bought much new techno though I have bought some older stuff am I am really(and don't laugh) enjoying Velvet Acid Christ "Fun with Knives" very dark and terra damnata'esque, of course Hybrid "Wide Angle", vocal with light ambient background, also Gatercrasher "discotech generation", sort of typical beats, very listenable and captivating. I am still trying to find something by Goldfrapp, no one here has a freaking clue, I am surrounded by a bunch of freaking idiots!

btw did you mean Orbital "In Sides" or is "Both sides" something I haven't heard of yet? I was dissapointed with "middle of know where" I think most orbital fans were. Also if you get a chance check out XM satelite radio there is a dance channel that is quiet good, it will be appearant :)
Tim, It is "in sides" not "both sides".My bad.Their new " altogether" is much better than the "middle of nowhere" and it's a double disc album. Their older work also good (some track on par with 'snivi.." and insides..) but most lean toward the monotonous dance beats(good if you like it)

The " Felt mountain" from GOLDFRAPP is must have (and Allison is hot little...But you gotta get double CD's to get a glimpse of her on your computer). Tower records or CD NOW does carry this.

If you are in to ambient and something new try (and I have said this before) "the future sound of london"'s
'lifeforms" and "dead cities" and 'ISDN"
New moby how many have heard it and what do you think? I think it is a great follow to Play.
I'll try most anything, but I haven't had the desire to try "Techno". Maybe it's about time?