music you cant live without

Maybe a bit of an over statment but we are all infatuated with music(or we would not be on this site) and I am sure we all have music that we listen to all of the time, so what's your favorite/s?
Rcprince-I had Grant Johanssen playing the Rachmaninoff with a lot of fire in my late, lamented vinyl days but haven't found the CD; best keypounder I do have is Emil Gilels playing all 5 Beethoven with the Cleveland, Szell, fabulous performances, Gilels never let technique get in the way of emotion and the 70's Cleveland was easily the "best band in the land" as the New York Times put it. That has to be the classical I couldn't live without.
I knew johanssen didn't sound right, just got back from amazon, it's Byron Janis playing concertos 2&3 on mercury 32759
Kitch29, I've got the original Merc with Janis playing the 3rd, it is excellent, also very good on the CD transfer. I have always liked Gilels, I'm hoping that Classic reissues his Brahms 2, which was a Mohr/Layton production released by RCA as a Victrola. My favorite performance of that piece.
Lyle Lovett. Moody Blues. Mozart. The rest is icing on the cake, (and I do like icing so give me the corner slice, if you please.)
Ramstl: Which Dead Albums can you recommend on CD? I grew up listening to American Beauty and Wake of the Flood on LP, would be bummed to get a CD that didn't sound good. Good remasters of old stuff? Good "current" releases?

- Eric