Belated obituary to a jazz great

Jeez, I feel like the apostle of doom the past month. This is the third post I've made in 30 days about a major music figure passing (first John Lee Hooker, then Chet Atkins, now this). I just read a note on Stereophile's Web site that tenor sax great, Joe Henderson, died on June 30th. Here's the link to the Stereophile article:
Yes SD Joe Henderson will be missed but not forgotten. I heard about his passing on a local jazz radio station. I do have some of his cd's and will look for some of his others that will no doubt become classics.
Sdcampbell, sounds like that show, "Murder She Wrote", starring Angela Lansbury--bringer of death. I've got a recital of some of my works coming up in the Cleveland area. Please don't attend. Anyway, I, too, was saddened at the passing of Joe Henderson. Our local jazz station (we only have one) just did a tribute as well.
Try his late masterpiece "Lush Life" The vanguard stuff with Foster and Carter, and back to his early BN's like "In and Out" and "Inner Urge".When folks ask me why I love jazz so much I say among other things that an individuals personality comes out in the rendition of a standard even more than a original composition.To wit Henersons AMAZING cover of "Night and Day" the last track on Inner Urge.If that tune isn't what it's all about i don't what is.So long Joe............
Oh yeah.SdCambell I am sure we can take up a collection for you to attend as many Kenny G and John Tesh concerts as your schedule permits.
I too feel a great loss with the Passing of these giants. You can add Stanley Turrentine to the list. I understand he passed away about two weeks ago. Stanley has a full legacy of recorded music on the Bluenote label for us to remember him by.
