Fourplay ...yes please Jazz CD

Does anyone own this CD as well as their other works? I have this CD and like it a lot, but before rushing out to purchase their other stuff I would like to know if it is similiar to this album.

Also, if you own this CD, could you recommend some other artists very similiar?
As I started this post and now see it has resurfaced, I thought I would follow up. I now own all of Fourplay's discs, except their Christmas and Best of CD's. At this point they are easily my favorite group.

I should no better than get sucked into an argument, but it isn't the first time. The argument against smooth Jazz is a bit stupid to me as is to say it can't be used for "critical" listing, whatever is meant by "critical".

As Tireguy was stating, there are many, many forms of music, Smooth Jazz just happens to share the name as Jazz and for whatever reason, Jazz listeners can handle this. A little revealation, it's called Smooth Jazz, not Jazz, therefore they are not the same.

Is light rock not music because it's not rock? Everyone recognizes the difference.

Over the years I have tried Jazz, I just can't do it, maybe someday (when I grow up).

One could state the Symphony is the only serious music, etc.
It's all a matter of preference. Those original blue notes sure sell for a lot of money ...
Fourplay is well recorded but is very digital sounding. Did you know Fourplay is on DVD 2-channel (well recorded too!)
Fourplay will be at the IMAC theater in Huntington , LI, NY in November should be a great show!