Best preamp to use with electrostatic speakers...

What are the groups recommendations for a preamp (make & model)to use with Martin Logan Prodigy speakers and a Mark Levinson 336 amp?
How about a good passive? For under $500 you can make, assuming modest DIY skills, a passive using Shallco dual mono stepped attenuators, Holco resistors, good RCA's and internal wire, and have a preamp that will let more signal through undamaged than any active preamp. You do need sources with good outputs, but those are common these days. I got rid of a CAT SL-1 Signature Mark III with its signal path simplified at the factory for me, in favor of the kind of passive I've described, and I've never looked back. I love tube sound too--but you don't need it in a preamp if you have it in a power amp, in my experience.
I would keep it all Levinson. A Levinson 380S would be my choice. Has remote turn on for the amp and you will not have to worry about impeadance matching. Also the 380S is a wonderful sounding preamp.

Hope this helps,

It might be informative to go to the Atma-Sphere Owners Group BBS site for recent discussions on passive preamps. Here 'tis:
I second the good passive (or active/passive) preamp approach! I've sold the Prodigy's (and all Logan's), and must say all tubes is not necessarilly the hot ticket! I like something like the Pass Labs Aleph P or L preamps (passive/active). They are completely passive up to a point, then kick into active. The preamps are extremely detailed and transparent through out! I think given the warmth of tubes and the logan speakers, you'll find this an attractive quality choice! You can find Pass L's for $800 range used, and P's for 1700 plus depending on remote/no remote. The P's have XLR connections, and the L's have RCA only. Good luck
Mark Levinson 336 is already a good investment for ML Prodigy and preamp in this case has to be matched between source components and power amplifier i.e. in some cases passive preamp would not be appropriate.