Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?

I have owned new and old Mcintosh and loved my experiences with the product. Right now I have a MC-162 in my system and it sounds great! Very transparent and not too anylitical or fatiguing. It seems that everyone has such strong opinions about different Mcintosh products good and bad. I have had all positive experiences. I would like for people to share their opinions and experiences good and bad.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I own a Mac C100 preamp and a MC2000 amp and the best equipment I have purchased. I Love Em'!!! Probably the ones that Hate Em', are the ones that can't Afford Em'!!!
Those transformer outputs on their solid state equipment are enough to scare anyone away.
I always disliked their equipment because I found it to be very distorted and unclear. Through a recent post someone commented that this happens when they are pushed to a high volume. I cant say that is the reason for sure but its quite possible. I like my music VERY LOUD.

I love Martin Logans but I never bought them for the same reason. At lower volumes they are magical but that large flat tweeter doesnt like the compresion created by loud volume.

For years I used two Mc 2105's to drive my speakers. I then tried one Krell KST100. This, at the time, was the smallest and cheapest amp that Krell had made. Comparing the two was a "no-brainer" ... The Krell blew away the Mac's.

I have owned Krell ever since! I now use two big stereo Krell amps along with my other Krell gear. I could never go back!
