Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?

I have owned new and old Mcintosh and loved my experiences with the product. Right now I have a MC-162 in my system and it sounds great! Very transparent and not too anylitical or fatiguing. It seems that everyone has such strong opinions about different Mcintosh products good and bad. I have had all positive experiences. I would like for people to share their opinions and experiences good and bad.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I, too, used to think -- McIntosh?? But since being exposed to a friend's Mac equipment, I changed my opinion. His MC2000 tube amp is quite good, although I still like my VT100 MkII better. My friend also had a MC 352, huge solid state amp, with the autotransformers. I liked the sound, rich and big, a little soft on the high end. But, hey, no amp's perfect.

I don't know about the transformer argument. Most tube amps have transformers, and they can sound more transparent and clear than solid state.
Hate the sound, love the looks.
They are great for weight traning and boat anchors however.
I am probably the "Latest" McIntosh owner posting here -
just moved up to McIntosh from Adcom in the past six months - and I love the sound of my system & so does just
about everyone else who listens!
I have an MC150 Amp, a C712 Pre, MR-73 Tuner (which my
local Mac repair service restored to it's original glory!)
and drive Thiel 3.5 speakers. My CD is the new Music Hall
MMF-25 and everything - even DVDs sound just wonderful.
I am enjoying a very smooth, detailed sound which I can
listen to for hours on end.
Perhaps of equal importance - I'm more interested in
the music I'm playing than the equipment I'm playing it
Nope... I think *I* am the latest McIntosh owner!!

Before I purchased my LAMM M1.1's, I had a MC2102 in my system for a while. It seemed to run out of steam with my 89db speakers but sounded quite good most of the time. The performance of the 2102 was good enough that it convinced me to put some money on the bigger MC2000. A direct comparison between the LAMMs and the MC2000 enlightened me to the fact that the McIntosh can truly produce a world class amplifier.

The MC2000 is outstanding in all respects.
The LAMMs have been sold!
Perfect timing for this thread! I am considering MC440M, 6 ch car amplifier. Any one has opinion on their car amps? I have Classe Ca-400 for home and PPI amps for my other car.