If there was Nobel prize in audio...


Nobel prize in science or any other technical field is given to people who have made the most fundamental and influential contributions to the field.

If there were Nobel prizes in audio, who do think deserve them?

Thank you,

I'd recognize John Marovskis, designer of the Janis subwoofer, for bringing audiophile quality (by the standards of the day) to low frequency music.
Why, Doctor Bose, of course. How could you exclude him? Without him, no 901s, no WaveRadio,no...Wait, did you say "Nobel Prize Nominee" or "Great Satan"? Sorry, disregard my nomination...
Harry Pearson. While some may disagree, and many others may be turned off by his pompous or grandiose attitude, I firmly believe that High End audio would not be at the level of sophistication that it is if not for this man.

His contribution to the language of audio is unique and the guy has EARS. Most importantly, he has relentlessly promoted the use of the best standard that there is for gauging the success of audio products: Does it serve the music?

(His photography sucks however)

Happy listening.
Ok I'll play

If I were to choose one individual in audio today, with my limited knowledge on such matters, that represents absolute originality in design and implementation it would have to be
David Berning

I just discovered this recently although his name and products have been familiar to me for many years. The realization of his achievements should be well known 20-30 years from now as his contributions to audio continue to unfold. Innovation and truly new ideas within old technologies always meet with resistance when there is a threat to the status quo. This will never deter the dreamer from breaking through the barrier to the next plane.

There are many others who should have won including Roger West, Peter Walker and Julius Futterman. In the audio press I would choose J Gordon Holt (of old) who originated subjective review of audio products and created a vocabulary to describe what he heard.