Do you drink when you listen?

I love to have a drink when I listen to the music. It helps me to concentrate well. I love Black Label Whiskey or Courvosier. A good import beer preferably belgium will also do.
Tireguy....all three at the same time are the BEST!...but one time,...some time back.,...while doing all three, I also sneezed,.. The rest is medical history.

Dave- 11 years ago I was 9, spooky! And I fancied fuzzy naval's like most things my tastes have changed over the years!
For those who likes to stay hi:
Imagin if legalized W were in audio stores on sale as a tweak!
He.. He...

Idaho had legalized W for people with eye problems and for those having trouble getting asleep. Even it's legal to drive after you've smoked it.