Best system under 5K - that is a challenge

Describe the best system you could put together for under $5K (new) - used you just have to be a good scavenger and $5K because it would be challenging. What criterion did you use in putting it together? Why did you choose the brands you mention?
I am a grand over budget already, but I choose the ARC CD3 with a Grado headphone amp and RS-1 phones. You can't beat having a great source, and the Grado set up will let you hear it. I could have gone for speakers if ARC still made the CD2($3500)VS. the CD3($5000).With the CD2,and Sound Dynamics RTS3's($200 from Audio Advisor),I still would have $1300 left for an amp and wire.I would look into some roughly $1000 tube integrated amps like the Jolida or the Antique Sound Labs. My point is if your source sounds bad, you can't dig your self out. Think about $3500 speakers run by $1500, worth of electronics. That could be real nasty!
Ha, Ha...! My nephiew just asked me to build him a 2ch system with just only $500. what's more challenging?
For $500 all you could do is hunt for a super price on a CD player, integrated amp, and then, to really pick up some gains for the money, build some 2 way kit speakers.

On the original thread, it didn't even specify how many sources, but my amp and speakers were $1,500 each new(Biro L/1's/Van Alstine Fet/Valve 350hc hybrid tube/ss amp), my preamp a little under a $1,000 (Van Alstine hybrid), my DAC $1,000, plus a Parasound transport for $200 on closeout. Breaks the bank a little, but I've loved it for 5 years now. My Fanfare tuner is nice too but not included, and I'm using some old runs of Kimber 4PR I've had laying around for years. The Fet/Valve's don't care what cable is on'em, they just plow right through it. I've got some jon risch DIY room treatments too, another $50.
Whether it is two channel, 5.1, 7.1, analogue or digital source is up to you. I am looking to see the selection criteria and the constraints imposed by a $5K budget. This would open up the field of suggestions for multiple applications - the kind of question that may reveal a great diamond in the rough!! You may also suggest different system changes for different music - BOTTOM LINE, IT IS UP TO U!!!
Used Revel F-30's ($2200, Bryston 4B-ST($1400)used, Toshiba SD-9200 DVD($600.00)new, $800 left for a pre-amp and wires..............or..........Musical Fidelity integrated with B&W 805's and $1000.00 CD.