What companies have gone above and beyond?

I have had a few products back to the manufacturer for different reasons. Some companies have been fantastic to deal with while others have been a disappointment. Sota was so good I couldn't believe it. Aragon was almost as good. What companies have you dealt with that provided exceptional service?
Long time great customer service from Mcintosh, Levinson and Proceed - actually the entire Madrigal group. Probably the best packing in the industry from Mcintosh.
It is very nice to see that there are some co. that contuinue to give"above and beyond "after the $$$$$$$ are in the bank.
Blue Circle Audio..Virtual Dynamics..Bryston....for starters
Someone should send this thread to Sony...........
Scott Novak at Synergistic Research; Todd Sutherland at Madrigal Audio; Steve McCormack and Kris Jeter at SMc Audio; Vandersteen Audio in general; Sonic Frontiers Tech. Rep. And dealers that have really treated me well are Bradford's Hifi, Eugene OR., Stewart Marcantoni @ Sanctuary of Sound, Seattle WA., Michael Rice @ Progressive Audio in Ohio, and Galen Carol in TX. Cheers. Craig
Virtual Dynamics (Alberta,Can.) were very quick to replace a defective Power Cord for me. Recommended.
Thiel was good to me also. They replaced 2 midgrange speakers with no charge and no questions. I have also had good luck with Audio Advisor.