Best or most profound sleeper product

As with wine, I think that price certainly does not guarantee quality. Oddly, many people in this hobby refer to their equipment by its' price in the same manner that people will refer to " a hundred dollar bottle of wine." I have had many wines that were less that $20 that were pure joy. I think that the same must be true in this hobby. An example: used Pioneer PD-65, $300 for a good transport or Conrad J pv-10. For the benefit of other newbies (like myself), please list the 'sleepers' that you have found. Cheers
I love my Denon DVM 3700 cd/dvd changer. Video and audio quality are consistently excellent. I've compared it to many other digital front ends and I keep coming back. I got it for @ $400 on Ubid, but you can find them at Good Guys still too and can probably talk them down.

Associated equip:
B&K Ref 20
Classe amps
Nordost cables
B&W N805's
One of my all time favorites had to be the Spica TC-50.

That little speaker could image with the best of them.