Best or most profound sleeper product

As with wine, I think that price certainly does not guarantee quality. Oddly, many people in this hobby refer to their equipment by its' price in the same manner that people will refer to " a hundred dollar bottle of wine." I have had many wines that were less that $20 that were pure joy. I think that the same must be true in this hobby. An example: used Pioneer PD-65, $300 for a good transport or Conrad J pv-10. For the benefit of other newbies (like myself), please list the 'sleepers' that you have found. Cheers
One of my all time favorites had to be the Spica TC-50.

That little speaker could image with the best of them.
McCormack Micro Line Drive preamp performs on much higher than mid-fi levels in both active or passive mode if active mode is not chosen to be the highest gain under the box cover. It smokes models that are much more expencive.
Antique Sound Labs Wave 8 tube monoblocks. $120 each new with removable cage and IEC power. They sound awesome, too.
EAD T-7000 LD/CD transport with AT&T to drive a good D to A.
With almost no jitter this transport will rival the best of them.
