What was your biggest priority?

There has been a lot of discussion in some of the other threads about where the focus or emphasis should be when spending money on your system. When you look at your system (other than the room in which it resides) where did you actually spend the most money? Did the majority of your hard earned money go into speakers, amp/amps, pre-amp, digital, or turntable/arm/cartridge??? Or was it somewhere else?
I just bought a new house, but I think the system sounded better at the old house. So is the new listening room my most expensive/biggest priority or was it the new Krell amp I got a few weeks ago?
Congratulations, Nrchy. Enjoy your new home. Whether the listening room should be your biggest priority now is an interesting question. Perhaps so. Depends on how much of a problem it is. Obviously, you failed to make your purchase contingent upon inspection and approval by a qualified audio engineer. ;-)

In answer to your original question, my cd player was the most expensive component, though not by a lot because I got a really good deal on a demo, after I already owned the speakers (which when I bought them were the most I had spent on anything). Quite a bit higher retail price than my speakers, though. I would pay more for the speakers if I had to, but am happy with what I have and have put more money into secondary systems.
I seem to have just about evened it all out, w/o thinking. Digital front end about 2K used, amp $2K new closeout, pre-amp $1.8K used, speakers $2200 used, analog front end about $1600 (new arm, used table, re-tip cart from 'gonner). Not my plan, but that's what happened.
I let it be known to my friends that I am always willing to put a system together for them. This means I end up helping someone put a system together about once a month. No charges, just the fun of seeing what you can get out of a budget, and quite a lot of learning. The last system I put together was approx 4k for CD, 3.5k for pre, 6.5k for amp and 8k for speakers.