Best Thread on Audiogon?

There are many! What is/are yours?
I love almost all Music threads and since I'm onto electronics and DIY I love Tech Talks as well.

Hey, Warren!

Don't try to do "critical listening" or adjust a "sweet spot" while listening and having sex...
Oh, I don't think Warren has to worry about all that, long as he has "pinpoint imaging."
I'm with Brulee. #1 has gotta' be David99's "Who Are You" thread. The threads about Blues, R&R, and other music I like are favorites too, including my own "All time favorite Love Song", and "Music for Tough Times". Redkiwi is also one of my favorite posters and he helped/inspired me while installing a dedicated AC system. But there are many, many excellent threads that I've enjoyed and learned from. Audiogon is great! Cheers. Craig
It's the breadth, width, and deepness (AND texture) of my soundstage that truly comes alive with the right music, and, of course, the perfect sweet spot.