The Scariest Story Ever Told?

What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you while listening to your high end audio system? Your story can involve anything, from buying an outrageously expensive component that sounded terrible when you turned on your system or a mishap that cost you lots of money to repair or buying tubes only to discover that the boxes were empty.

Last night, while I was talking to a good friend of mine over the telephone, I heard a loud "pop" through my left speaker and soon thereafter, some static. I immediately inspected my amplifier only to discover that one of my left channel output "vacuum tubes" was on fire (internal flame within the tube, believe it or not!) Now, that blew my mind! Fortunately, it only turned out to be a tube going bad and my amplifier did not short-out. Thank God!

I must admit that I nearly had a heart attack and felt lost without my trustworthy and extremely loved Berning amplifier.

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I must admit that I nearly had a heart attack and felt lost without my trustworthy and extremely loved Berning amplifier.
made me wonder if you might be a victim of the infamous "Berning Scam." Apparently some guy on eBay has been selling "Berning" amps which actually turn out to be "Burning" amps!

Check the label carefully and report back....
Rel, thanks for your recommendation. However, I purchased my amplifier directly from the one and only David Berning!

Many thanks to everyone for your stories, some are hilarious, spooky or catastrophic.
I was sharing an apartment with this Jewish kid for half a year. He seemed like a good kid even my mom told me not to beat him up or mess with him. My mom some how thought I am a bully. Anyhow, my bedroom was too small to hold my stereo, so I put it in the living room thinking the Jewish kid won't do too much harm to it.

During the first week, the Jewish kid and I got along. We studied when we had to study and even had a few late night drinks together. Then one weekend, he asked me if it was OK to have a party. I ofcourse couldn't object since the apartment was half his...

He invited every other Jewish kid from college and crammed them into our 900sqft apartment with patio. They used my TV to play Independence Day and have the part where the Jewish dad says "well we can't all be perfect" in reply to someone saying he's not Jewish. And, worst of all, my stereo was blasting Adam Sandler songs all night. I didn't know kids can get down to music like that.

The aftermath of the party... the only part of the apartment that wasn't plastered with puke or alcohol was my room since I locked it so no one can enter. My poor TV... my poor stereo... needless to say I didn't renew that lease.