Slappys Sob Story. So long folks

Welp, this will be my final post on this board for quite some time.

I wanted to take a minuit to thank everybody for all the good info i got, and even to thank jerks like tire-guy for keeping it real. hahahaha

This will be my last post for some time, as i will not be able to enjoy this hobby for at least 6 months, and logging onto this board will do nothing but make me sad and miss my rig. Cause my Rig is about to be scrapped.

The Tale of Slappy's Rig.
Chapter 9. The end of the run.

Slappy made a bad decision that has come back to haunt.

Slappy had a roommate he was living with for 6 months. This guy was surly a few screws loose, and terminally unemployed

Slappys roommate was a dude called Ryan.
Ryan had no job, but earned social security due to a tragic event earlier in his life.
Slappy and Ryan roomed up, and things were great for about 4 months, then Ryan's Social security dried up and he couldn't find employment. It wasn't from a lack of looking around, but a lack of trying to get the job.

Slappy ended up paying this bastards end of the rent 4 times, on the last month of the lease Slappy paid his half and moved out, his roommate never paid his half, and due to Slappy shelling out a massive wad for rent and security deposit on a rental house, he had no money to cover his broke-ass friend.

Eviction came at the latter part of the last month of the lease. Ryan was a total jerk to the apartment management so they hated us. They didn't see any distinction between us because they only cared about the money, however, they sure were liberal when tallying up the total owed. It's a business after all.

Time has past and now payment is due. Slappy is engaged to get married (writes as wife though because he doesent feel like spelling out fiancée, yes, he is that lazy) and is fixing to buy their first house, a nice quaint 250,000 jobber in a rather "Well to do" part of southern Denver, a place truly worthy of his future wife.

Then it happens.
Mr. Bill collector says "total amount due NOW!"
Slappy cries "I don't have that much! I can pay in payments though! 400 a month maybe?"
Mr. Bill Collector says "No! Total due NOW! You pay NOW! Or we go to court and I garnish your paycheck! You get a big black mark on your credit! You wont get that house! Mwhahahahahah!!!!
Slappy pleads "Why don't you go after that Ryan bastard? He is on the lease too!!!?
Mr. Bill Collector coldly states "You have a good paying job, Ryan hasn't had a job in over a year. You are where the money is at, we don't care about who paid what, only that YOU PAY US"

Slappy checks with his legal services through work, sure enough, its right. Mr. Bill collector is in his rights to demand full due to the nature of the debt.

Slappy realizes that he must sacrifice his precious hardware or he wont get the house.

Later that evening, while Slappy is at work, he posts his stereo up for sale. Please forgive me fellow audiogoner's I need the money FAST, posting here wont get it sold in time. Shipping is a problem too.
Slappy posts his modest rig at work for sale for 3,500.00, a cool grand over the needed amount for the bills. But a good 2,200 below what he paid for it.
If nobody buys, he bought a bunch of gear from a major retailer less than a month ago that he bought with money received from selling all his Deftech speakers. He can return the gear and have most of it, but will still need to sell gear piece by piece to get the rest.

And thus, the demise and complete dismantling of Slappys rig is under way..

Slappy knows it the apartment situation was not his fault, but it WAS his responsibility, and is willing to pay the debt.

Its ok though, come january im going to rebuild my system. It will be faster. It will be smarter. It will be cleaner. And it will be good. And there will be Electrostats.

Peace out folks! Thanks for the fun!
See ya in january
Slappy, your contributions will be missed, but there is no reason to leave the forum. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Hang around. Keep us all honest. You'll get new gear soon enough.
Slappy should know that one of the first signs of dementia is referring to one's self in the third person. Slappy might want to tighten some of his own screws before condemning the construction of others.

KublaKhan is just throwing this out there and tagging this thread, waiting for chapter 11 and interested in watching the fireworks in the meantime.
Take Care Slappy..... You and I had a lot to talk about. It seemed like you and I had a lot in common when it comes to our tastes in audio equipment.

Hate to see you go.... but you got to do what you got to do.

But Slappy....... my friend..... I am going to give you some tips as to what "NOT" to do the next time around.

DO NOT EVER (!!!!!)......

(01). Move in broke ass m****r f**k*rs into your crib. They will get over on you EACH AND EVERY time. It doesn't matter if the bum is either between jobs, collecting social security, collecting unemployment, or waiting for a settlement (accident, divrorce, or what have you). Bottom line is...... if any one EVER moves into my crib to room with me, then he/she has bring some money with when they move in. No Money????? No Dice...... Period!!!!!!


(02). If you are getting married, make sure your (prospective) spouse is working too. Not only you have to make the bills every month, but your (prospective) spouse has to be able to pull her own weight as well. If she doesn't have anything going for herself, put the marriage on hold for a minute until she gets her stuff together. A girlfriend with no job is probably just as bad (if not worse) than rooming with a friend or relative who is also broke. If she's living with you, she may probably want you to foot all of the bills all of the time, and give her some spending change too. She going to expect you to go out and work all of the time while her ass stays home and eat ding dongs and watch soap operas all day long. If you're ever faced with this situation, I got one thing to say to you as well....... DON'T EVEN ALLOW THAT SHIT HAPPEN (!!!!!!). If you do, believe me, you'll live to regret it later on.

I think that's it for right now.

I wish you luck in whatever endeavors you wish to undertake in the coming months or so.

And hope that you rejoin us very soon.

Good Luck!!!!!

I'll miss the threads. Your threads have been the daytime soap opera of audiogon. Best of luck with the finances, but beware taking on mountains of debt, because I think the chances that the economy is truly recovering right now are very very small.
Slappy sounds like he's full of #@%& IMHO! I've seen them come and go on this site. Audio, It's full of wackos.BTW, is a $250,000 home make you rich. Gee, then I can retire!Oops that $1500.00 house payment still comes due everymonth Hmmmh!