Solar Flares keep coming

I dont know how much anyone follows this stuff, in the Telecom world this can have a pretty big impact.

Tuesday the sun released what is believed to be the largest solar flare in recorded history

These are rated X1 to X20. In 1989 and 2001 X20 flares were reported, and were the largest in recorded history.

Apparently this next one is off the charts, IE well beyond X20. Apparently another flare looks to erupt soon as well

Just a heads up for all you Tech-lovin fools like me.
Hey Slappy, what's the most expensive speaker that you can "buy"?

Ans: Speaker of the House! Bada-bing, Bada-bong!
Fat parrot, thats kinda funny, ya know, the other day i was watching an address from the speaker, and as he walked off stage i could SWEAR i saw a sting on his back that you could pull.

Maybe Mr. Bush will use one of those "weapons of mass destruction" he's gonna find in Iraq to snuff out the sun.

What can I say? Get over yourself man, have a laugh or two..
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