Early 80's - late 70's best audio products

With the intoduction of CD in 1982, apparently, the Hi-end audio equipment either dissapearead, either became too expensive, either started to use cheaper components, etc.

This is my perspective. And now as a historical curiosity - Which components (speakers, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, tuners, turntable, tonearm and cartridge) will you vote as the best components for the 1978-1982 period.

Thank you for your time
but I used a superb Apt-Holman pre-amp, then recommended by my friends at Audio Consultants in Evanston. I used it with a Bryston amp...

Almost all (large) format IE JBL 4350/55 series monitors. And if cost was no object Westlake HR1's with the HRX 4-way crossover which would run upwards of 40,000. Crown DC series, Phase Linear 700B, Luxman M series and SAE amps to name a few. Apt Holman pre's were and are still excellent preamps if rebuilt with new caps etc.

Yamaha CR2020 receiver. Solid Walnut cabinet. Looks, class and performance in one package.

Most open reel to reel tape decks. They were built like a tank, and lasted 4 ever, well almost. After 28 years + I had to replace the soleniod switch and with complete overhaul cost me $ 2.50 approx. money well spent.
I still use (after 30 years) and have just purchased two more pairs on Ebay, of Yamaha HP-1 and HP-2 headphones. Together with the Yamaha TC800D (wedge shaped) cassette deck these were all designed by the legendary industrial designer Mario Bellini. The HP-1s have an effortless, fatigue free and open sound. Most of all, they are all beautiful to look at as well as use. That makes a difference!
My DBX 118 dynamic range expander/compressor was the most invaluable addition to my hi-fi of that era. I compressed records when dubbing to tape and expanded on playback to restore dynamic range and lower the noise floor. Brilliant. My amp was a Pioneer (silver) SA7500, average, but still in use today and well worth a listen.