Early 80's - late 70's best audio products

With the intoduction of CD in 1982, apparently, the Hi-end audio equipment either dissapearead, either became too expensive, either started to use cheaper components, etc.

This is my perspective. And now as a historical curiosity - Which components (speakers, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, tuners, turntable, tonearm and cartridge) will you vote as the best components for the 1978-1982 period.

Thank you for your time
ARC D79B Tube Power Amp,and ARC SP-11 Preamp,Koetsu Rosewood Phono Catridge,Oracle Turntable,SME V Arm,Quad ELS 63'S or ,Soundlabs A1,RH Labs Subwoofer.If I'm forgetting anything I will post again.
76doublebass has it right - that would still be a killer system today (although I might get triple stacked original Quads!).
Joe Grado invented the moving iron and moving coil not the moving magnet.
He used moving iron on all his cartridges,and are used today by his nephew John at the helm.Old Joe just enjoyed the royalties of his MC patent.
I think the Rega planar 3 deserves a mention. It's still competitive in its price bracket 20 years later.
Audio Research SP6B

Magneplanar MG I b

Yamaha C2a

Yamaha PX-2

Yamaha T-2

Kenwood KD-500

Denon 103

Grado Signatures

Hafler DH 220 and DH 500

DCM Time Windows

Dahlquist DQ 10s esp with DQ1 W

Apt Holman Preamp and Amplifier

Nakamichi 700 ZXL

Nakamichi 250/ADS 2001 "Mobile Fidelity" System

Quatre Gain Cell Power Amplifier

SME Type III tonearm

Mark Levinson HQD system

KLH Model 9 Speakers

original Oracle turntable

I dont think I am yet a "geezer" at 41

but I agree, the "high end" has been mostly downhill since then.