New Years Resolutions

I hope everyone that reads this has a safe and prosperous New Year in 2005.

My New Year's resolution is to try and be nicer and more helpful to people in the coming year. I hope to be able to achieve those goals and do so in a calmer, more mild mannered method than i have used in the past. This is a new year coming up and i'd like to start with a clean slate. As such, i'm asking those that i've offended or argued with in the past to forgive me for my past discretions, comments and attitudes. Regardless of whether someone is willing to do that for me, i'll do that for those that i've held grudges with and / or gotten into disputes with. As Mr Mellencamp says on his latest release "grace, mercy and forgiveness will help a man walk tall" and that is what i would like all of us here to be able to do i.e. walk tall with our heads held high amongst friends.

Best wishes to the Agon family. I hope we can all have a safer and more enjoyable life in 2005. Happy New Year!!! Sean
What a great thread for the start of the year. I think we all get frustrated here from time to time when we read comments or advice that goes against all that we know and have experienced. The trick is to write a response from the heart without offending other A'gon members. There are a dozen or so members here who regularly contribute that I keep my eyes out for as I have learned much from them....and Sean is one of these.
Hi Sean- Happy 2005 to you and all the others here at my home away from home. My wife is naming you all as co-respondents in the divorce ;~). And marco and Newbee and all, please keep me laughing. As to the content of your post, Sean, I'm with Mt10452. A little 'tude keeps people alert and focused, sometimes. And Dave, congrats on quitting the smokes. You will be healthier, wealthier, and smell better!!! My New Year's rez is to finally figure out which amp I like and sell all of the others. I've got way to much $$ tied up in gear.
While i appreciate the words of support, i was hoping that others might contribute resolutions of their own. Not only might this encourage others to try to make a change for the better in their lives seeing that others may be fighting similiar battles, it would be a public reminder for all of us to look at during the year. Sean
First, to Sean and everybody else: happy new year.
Second: maybe a dissapointment Sean, but I don't do new years resolutions any more. I just don't stick with them, so it's a waste of time. Besides, any moment is the right moment to better your life. Heeeee...... that sounds rather intelligent. Maybe I should....... nah, I'll just stay who and what I am, always filled with good intentions, but steadily progressing on the road to hell.
Hey Sean, figured that since you posted on the Asylum, as well, I might as well do the same here. I realize this has become a "how great and noble is Sean's resolution" thread...just fool'n with you again. (already mentioned your avoidance to answering my questions about the Ayre disc, you asked me to post on the 'gon, so I won't go there again) Anyway, your resolution is noble. Now, if you can only walk the talk. I don't believe in public resolutions. I keep them between me and God. Much more humbling. For me, that's my fellow man, that let's me know if I'm walking the talk--my strength usually rests in what I don't say. it's a battle for me as you can see...peace, warren.