New Years Resolutions

I hope everyone that reads this has a safe and prosperous New Year in 2005.

My New Year's resolution is to try and be nicer and more helpful to people in the coming year. I hope to be able to achieve those goals and do so in a calmer, more mild mannered method than i have used in the past. This is a new year coming up and i'd like to start with a clean slate. As such, i'm asking those that i've offended or argued with in the past to forgive me for my past discretions, comments and attitudes. Regardless of whether someone is willing to do that for me, i'll do that for those that i've held grudges with and / or gotten into disputes with. As Mr Mellencamp says on his latest release "grace, mercy and forgiveness will help a man walk tall" and that is what i would like all of us here to be able to do i.e. walk tall with our heads held high amongst friends.

Best wishes to the Agon family. I hope we can all have a safer and more enjoyable life in 2005. Happy New Year!!! Sean
Warren: I by no means started this thread in search of praise or recognition. As stated, i wanted to clear the air for all to see and i had hoped that others would join with me in making public proclamations. Making such a proclamation for all to see is a constant reminder for us to do better and try harder. I'm just hoping that i can live up to my resolution, cuz otherwise, everyone knows that i've screwed up. Even if i do "slip" or "screw up", it wouldn't be the first time : )

Other than that, i just saw the thread that you're talking about. I know that we discussed this via email quite a while back. You told me that you were going to start a thread about this subject as i had requested. A short time later, you sent me an email telling me that you had posted a thread on this subject. When i checked, i saw no such thread. My guess is that the couple of times that i checked, the thread had not appeared yet due to the time delay in moderation. You sent me an email a while back asking me to look at the thread about the Ayre disc, but there was no link to which thread you were talking about. Having seen this post, i checked through all of your personal threads and found it now. I will respond to it within 24 hours time, as i've got to leave the house now.

For future reference, if someone wants me to respond to a thread, please forward a link to the specific thread. On top of that, if you send me an email and you don't hear back from me in a reasonable amount of time, please try contacting me again. Between the amount of emails i receive pertaining to work, various audio forums, other hobbies that i have, etc... some things get lost in the shuffle. On top of that, emails are sometimes "lost in cyberland" and never show up. As such, if one doesn't hear from me within a few days at most, PLEASE drop me another note. I'm really not trying to avoid anyone and i do my best to get back to people on a timely basis. It's just that sometimes, there's more on my plate than i can keep up with. Sean

PS... Unless one prefers to have a private conversations, i prefer to discuss things publicly. This gives others the opportunity to both learn from and contribute to the knowledge pool that is Audiogon. This is not to mention that someone can correct mistakes that i might make or facts that i overlook. I'm not perfect, ya know??? : ) Sean
Sean, You've just failed the first test of your resolution. Those who would chose to rule, lead by example but never complain when folks don't follow their lead! Back into the pits (digital if you like) you go.

But, in the spirit of your post, I resolve to be more humble in 2005. :-)
Now you're getting the idea Newbee. But you've got to throw in a few real personal jabs to get things really going. I liked the audio left hook you threw in there. Oh yes, I see much promise here!

Marco (OK, there's that extra 20 lbs or so that I've been dragging around that I'll be getting rid of this year...)
Newbee, you're dead on...hey, we're all human....there's the problem in a nutshell....let's have fun this year...
Newbee: with all due respect, my suggestions were presented in a manner that will help those that seek answers from me to get them, possibly in a more timely manner. That info was posted so as to explain how / why i might not have responded to someone that tried to contact me privately. I didn't want anyone to think that i was avoiding them or didn't want to converse with them, hence the directions on how to avoid that situation.

As such, i've tried to help make sure that this doesn't happen in the future as i don't want anyone to feel left-out or neglected for whatever reason. If making myself available in order to help someone out and trying to do so in the most efficient manner possible is a sin, i guess that i'm guilty of that. I did not mean what i posted to be taken any other way. I'm sorry if what i posted was misunderstood and hope that this clarifies my intentions. Sean