Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?

OK we all know what a merry-go-round audio can be. For those of us who are incessant upgraders, what components have you found that either have stopped or seriously curtailed your search for better?

For me its my Audio Tekne Cables and my vintage Classe DR3 amps (25 wpc high current class A design designed by Dave Reisch in the early days of the company). My Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s would probably fall into this category, but I would probably buy the next statement models that Roy Johnson builds sight unheard.

I'll 3rd Dan & Chris, the SLI-80 "F1".... sounded great right out of the box, getting better each session as it approaches 50 hrs.
BAT 500 with BAK PAK.My system sounded balance
from top to bottom.This amp put my system
where I want it.Its the final piece of course
for a while? Dolfan what do you think?
cary SLI-80... are you guys talking about the integrated? how is the headphone section on this?

i thought my counterpoint sa-11 would make me stop looking. Or my waveform mach 13s...but here i am.
Kublakhan, yes, the integrated amp & headphone section sounds great imo but my use (hd 580's) is very limited.
Conrad Johnson Premier 17 Pre
Living Voice Avatar speakers
Acoustic Zen cables
Origin Live Resolution TT/ Illustrious arm/ Koetsu Rosewood Signature.
Modified Shanling CDT 100
Creek T43 tuner
Hey thats most of my system, does that mean I'm off the upgrade treadmill, I hope so, I think!