The best sounding FM Tuner is.....

OK Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Day Sequerra, etc. owners...I have no "high end" dealer in my area that carries a great tuner. I probably will not have the chance to listen to or 'a/b' compare a tuner before I decide to purchase. I'm asking anyone with comparison experience or anyone that feels that the own the best to respond in this discussion. Thanks, I look forward to reading your responses!
Well, Sedond, I guess you proved me wrong: some people DO believe everything they read on the internet.
"Well, Sedond, I guess you proved me wrong: some people DO believe everything they read on the internet."
----ok. i admit it, you got me - i believe everything i read on the internet. especially what i read on the site, (and its associated yahoo fm forum):
1)some people wrote that the marantz 10b tuna is the best tuna ever made. it must be true.
2)some people wrote that the marantz 10b tuna is a damned good tuna, but near impossible to keep properly operating, therefore not worth the hassle. it must be true.
3)some people wrote that the marantz 10b tuna is outperformed by many other tunas, even when the 10b *is* properly operating. even by marantz's own solid state 20b. it must be true.

reality is, i can't believe everything on that site even if i *wanted* to - it's too... *BALANCED*! ;~) it is fair, & it looks at issues from every angle. something that cannot, obviously, be said about all its readers.


doug s.

i agree that the state of present commercial fm radio is pretty dismal. but all it takes, (for me anyways), is one or two decent public radio stations that broadcast a quality signal & play music i like, to make it all worthwhile for me. most of my "sweet-spot" listening is actually done w/fm playing.

re: xm, i have found it to be completely unlistenable, even for 30 seconds, in the "sweet-spot". it is barely tolerable, even as background music. its shrill, compressed, etched signal invariably gives me a headache after a while. i convinced a good friend who has it to try a tubed buffer stage between his xm receiver & his preamp. this does help a little, making it slightly less irritable as background music. but it is still completely unlistenable as a serious music source. so, i don't care *how* good the programming is. if i can't listen to it, it's completely worthless to me.


doug s.
The Magnum Dynalab MD 109,it smokes anything out there.I had a Day Sequerra for 2 years and I thought FM broadcast was really bad, but when I got the 109 I realized FM through the 109 sounded great,Tuners just stink.
Sedond. The radio stations in this area are pure crap and the few NPR stations here are not of the music variety.

As for XM it is a god send for me and have not had any sonic or operational issues with it. It comes in totally clear with great separation, and have not found it shrill,compressed or grainy.

Wish we had a decent NPR station near here. I had a great one in the Denver area that I now miss. Believe me if the Polk XRT 12 and the XM broadcast did not deliver as they do, I would just give up on broadcast alltogether. But thus far for me XM delivers.