Best Line conditioner under $1000 used

I am moving into a smaller house. My exsisting house has a dedicated circuit for my system. I will need to use a power conditioner for a while at the new house. I say that without knowing. I assume I need a power conditioner at the new house. It is 100 years old. I guess I am asking what my choices are. Will I benefit from a line regulator/ power conditioner or something. I have been looking at the Monster AVS2000 sig series. Looks like a real nice product.
I have done some reading and find that these items tend to add a signature to the sound. Not to sure I am happy about that. Any input?
Thanks, Scott
Run the dedicated line(s) and then see if you need to add anything. I experienced much improvement in the sound after doing so in our 100year+ old house. After all, conditioners are only needed to correct something on the AC.

BTW, while you are at it, make sure you have or put in a whole-house surge/lightning protector.


PS Audio power plants or Inouye. Also API Ultra models (or anything with balanced transformer common mode noise reduction).

Good luck!
You might try a new Welborne Gatekeeper. They are better than the Chang IMHO, and really a good value.
Panamax has the best filtration and is truly a surge protector with isolated power for analog and digital.