Why "Cryo" anything?

Ok. So far, I have yet to think of a good explanation for "Cryo" treatment to enhance anything. Can someone explain this to me?

For background, I have a Master degree in Material Science Engineering. Here is my explaination why just "cryo" won't work.

At room temperature, the metal is already solid or frozen. Freezing it further won't do much. Most metals requires high temperature to cause any change in the microstructure or grain size/orientation/distribution. Simply freezing it for a few minutes will not change how it operates after the metal returns to room temperature.

Actually it would be violating a patent infringement to have Ejliu treat a brake pad and charge for the process.
This is a patented process and is used by many fleets to reduce the maintenance cost on high usage vehicles.
I have not participated in this discussion because one of my client companies produces products for the automotive industry that uses cryo processing.
I cannot make any claims as to improvements in audio equipment. The improvements in machining, stress relief longevity and resistance to corrosion are substantial and have been tested/ patented and are repeatable. We have many clients in the aerospace industry the military, high performance auto and bio medical. You can look up the patents on sparkplugs, brakepads and human joint replacements.
Ya, my joint is getting down to the roach; probably needs replacing. But how do you keep it lit while its being cryoed? Now I know why everything sounds better.
Cryo works, I tried it with tubes,the difference is
huge,those who cant hear it,either they dont want to
hear it, or their ears are not train, or maybe they
are scare to try it.