Amplifier maintenance for beginners

What kind of maintenance is recommended for beginners? Can I clean the circuit boards, or output connections? Is there something called contact cleaner?
Change the oil every 6,000 miles, and rotate the tires every 10,000. Check the timing belt for cracks once or twice a year.
Seriously - amps fall into the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it catagory. Yes, there's contact cleaner for the RCA's, but plugging and unplugging cable once or twice essentially does the same thing.
If you'll become as obsessive as the typical audiophile you'll be swapping cables a bunch, so you'll keep the contacts clean anyway.
Not sure what kind of amp you have, but also make sure that it has plenty of clearance and space around it so that heat doesn't diminish its life span.
Carefully vacuum out the dust bunnies and cat fur about once a year. Every month or so gently wipe the exterior clean using Windex.
Come on, Snofun3! Are you trying to get this guy a repair bill? You need to change the oil in your amp much more frequently than every 6K miles. Sheesh...
Sorry - I was thinking about using synthetic oil.

OK, One more tip - if the voices don't sound centered from the speakers, ensure you have equal tire pressure all around.