Hiss, hum bad for speakers?

I've got some kind of hiss/hum going on here. Not sure if it is feedback from the high-level connection from my amp to my REL sub or just from connecting multiple amps into wall sockets. The question is, is this hum, hiss, high wine bad for my speakers and gear?
After trying cheater plugs on each of a dozen components and then taking them out of the system one at a time, I've recently changed the interconnects from Nordost SPM to Kimber KS1020. The audible hum is now gone!

It's unshielded vs shielded that eliminated the hum in my system. My preference is the faster SPM but the tradeoff to eliminate the hum was worthy of the change. Change the interconnects.
The speaker cable or ICs might be the cause. I will change them out when I get the chance and see if this helps. Thanks.
I have two Rel Stentors. One older model and one newer. When I hooked up the second one recently I had a bad hum problem that I didnt have in the other one. It turned out to be a ground loop problem. I recommend eliminating the chance of it being a ground loop.

I dont know what makes the newer models more seceptable to the hum but the high current cable is a little different in the newer models.
I would say you have a ground loop somewhere. I use 2 Stadiums, no hum at all. All on one curcuit. One time while changing speaker cables, there was a very noticable hum from one of the Stadiums. The ground wire was not connected yet and i forgot to unpower the subs while connecting the new cable. The amp and pre was off of course but the REL was on. After unpowering the sub and connecting the cables and powering up the system, back to normal, no hum. This told me a ground loop caused the hum. I would ck that all connections are secure and in order first. Maybe redue the connections from amp to REL and be sure no loose strands of wire are free. Ck your internal house line connected to the REL for a possible ground problem. Maybe connect the setup to a completly different curcuit to eliminate any possible ground problem in the curcuit. Disconnect one component at a time to isolate the culprit and see if the hum ceases. Hum is usally a ground loop or transformer interferring like mentioned above from others. Call REL and explain the problem, they should be able to help. I think you can call Sumiko in CA, Sumiko is the US distributor for REL. The hum you describe is not normal and should be eliminated. Good Luck!!