Connecting two amps-bi-amp cabling

I am planning on using two identical SS amplifiers (200wpc)to two speakers which have single inputs. The amps do not have an obvious internal bridging capability.

I was going to run one amp per speaker (I have double pre-amp outs)and was planning on having custom cables made with four conductors at each amp 2x+; 2x-)and two at the speaker (1x+; 1x-) to utilize both amp channels for one speaker.

Anyone have any suggestions for a "better way"?
Zorpman, you had better consult the amp's manufacturer before attempting such a hook up -- I don't think it will work as you anticipate and may be harmful to the amplifiers.
I wouldn't want to see you have to change your name to "Zappedman"!
Mit makes a push pull cable. Its a biwired interconnect and each side plugs into both sides of a two channel amplifier. The speaker cables are then put on the two positives and it uses one channel per direction. I use these cables and I am very pleased with them. They are a little pricy though. Retail for the interconnects is $2500 and $4000 for the speaker cables. I will bet though that you could use any speaker cables with these interconnects.
Correct if I'm wrong, but wouldn't connecting two amp channels to the same speaker terminals create a zero impedance loop in between those amp channels? It seems that such a hookup would destroy any amplifier, just like touching the positive and negative ends together at full tilt. Just a thought
With outputs paralleled, the amps wouldn't work for very long if at all. Perfectimage's push-pull idea will work. MIT is recommended esp. when stability issue is involved, as in this case.
You better contact the amp manufacturer if you want to remain a happy camper. It only takes one second of "theory put into practice" to produce enough smoke to haunt you for a lifetime. I would rather be safe than sorry.... Sean