Fuse or braker for dedicated lines?

I'll install a sub pannel for dedicated line, and don't know which one is better fuse or breaker? How big is the wire should I use between the main pannel to the sub pannel? Will the sound be better if I use sub pannel over using the main pannel for dedicated lines?
Thanks CFB and thanks for sharing your great story with us Bob. I had cooked up a sharper reply to this sort of selfsatisfied diatripe (misspelling intended), but you have done so in a much more civilised and genteel fashion than this here old curmudgeon would have been neither able nor willing to do.
By the way, it makes sense to clean your ceramic fuses with kontak or a similar product now and again, just as you would your other connections and the fuses in your gear. At least, that's what my technician/dealer says, and he's an EE and got me to throw out the circuit breakers in the first place. Cheers,
In defense of bishopwill, I'd say his reaction is mild compared to what most engineers and physicists I know (non-audiophiles) would say upon reading this thread.

Okay, all of us know hearing is a sensitive affair. When something appears to be audible that strains credulity, maybe the thing to do is to find out what is happening (as an engineer, I firmly believe that there's science in there somewhere).
Anyone have a guess as to the reason that fuse materials affect line current, that will later be filtered at several stages before being applied to electronics? It may be hard to measure the properties of music signals but the properties of 60 Hz A/C should show up pretty easily through a well-defined set of measurements.
Flex, yes of course, you are undoubtedly right, but hearing is believing and the guy who put me on to it, was an engineer and no fool to boot, also he had nothing to earn by his idea to make me change from circuit breakers to ceramics. I won't rule out autosuggestibility on my part, but my friend is a level headed guy with a solid EE background, who by the way scoffs at all the "cable bull", as he puts it.
Hi Worldcup86, this is a bit off the topic, but I remember one time when I cleaned all the fuses in my amp with Contak cleaner. I was shocked at how much better the sound from my system was. Smoother with much less grit. Open, dynamic,cleaner, with much better imaging. I now clean all fuses in my equipment (when i had equipment) every 3 or 4 months. This was not something I was imaganing, it was for real. It was the equal of a new, much better piece of equipment. It's for real, real, real.