I don't see how the Home Depot extension cord verses aftermarket pc or playing with interconnects have much to do with this thread. Except to say that some aftermarket power cords are better than zip cord.
It seems to me that Jvr's original post had to do with getting rid of the electrical outlet and male plug connections by soldering the two sets of wires together. Perhaps to minimize RF and maximize contact. Or just to see what sonic improvements may be obtained.
Albertporter does make a point that there are some to many aftermarket powercords that attempt to minimize RF but there are plenty that don't. There are very, very few that can act as some type of line-conditioner.
My only point was that by extending the aftermarket OFC romex wire from the service panel straight to the component(s) via a male IEC WATTaGATE plug attached to the other end of the romex would provide the best test for what Jvr is hoping to accomplish. IMO
It seems to me that Jvr's original post had to do with getting rid of the electrical outlet and male plug connections by soldering the two sets of wires together. Perhaps to minimize RF and maximize contact. Or just to see what sonic improvements may be obtained.
Albertporter does make a point that there are some to many aftermarket powercords that attempt to minimize RF but there are plenty that don't. There are very, very few that can act as some type of line-conditioner.
My only point was that by extending the aftermarket OFC romex wire from the service panel straight to the component(s) via a male IEC WATTaGATE plug attached to the other end of the romex would provide the best test for what Jvr is hoping to accomplish. IMO