Dupont Corian for Isolation

Hello, just wondering how Corian compares to MDF and other isolation materials. I am currently using a sandbox platform for my amps and pre and BDR #3's for the CDP. Which would benefit from more isolation? Thanks
Jp: Mike didn't say which bubble size to use & I didn't think to ask. It might not make much difference; try them both if you're so inclined & please report back if you preferred one. vs. the other.

Seeing you on several threads. I'm not moved yet and it will be some time before I do the new setup. I'll start with the small bubble stuff as it will look better.

Hi Joe: good point you have there. The smaller bubble size would hardly be noticable underneath the shelf.

So Eric you're back to #3's under the EAD now? I gonna try some titanium cones just for grins; still using #4's at the moment.