Are you a D.I.Y?

I like to "do it yourself" on many items where I feel I can achieve good results and save money. Also, there is some satisfaction and pride in researching and building things, especially if it's your own design. I would supect that there are others on Audiogon who feel the same. If you "DIY", tell us about your ideas and projects you made that you had success(or failures) with. And would you DIY again?
Yes, I'm definitely a DIYer. I've done quite a few projects over the past several years. Anything as simple as adding network card and more memory to my Tivo to much more difficult projects such as installing an LC Audio ZAPfilter Mk. II/LClock XO in a Rotel RCD-971. For the most part all of my projects come out really good as I usually spend 3 times as long thinking about how to do it right (my tonearm re-wiring project comes to mind) than actually doing the work. Here's some pictures and the installation guide I wrote for installing the ZAPfilter in the Rotel:

Right now I've just started working on building the JR Power Filter, but I'm held up waiting for parts as I'm going to use to modify the design some. I should have a guide written up when it's done. For my next project, I plan on modifying my Sonic Frontiers Phone 1 - it should be a lot of fun.

I definitely agree with you that I get a lot of pride from some of the projects I've done. I think that's half the fun of doing the work myself. Good luck on your next project!
DIY is FABULOUS. Not only does it expand your knowledge, fun and experience at the same time, it also saves you cash ( sometimes TALL cash ) along the way. You can build or modify an existing design to exactly what you want, tailoring the end result to meet your specific budget and needs.

Besides all of the above, it is a GREAT way to meet other audiophiles interested in such things. Show me a person that is into DIY and i'll show you someone that is more than willing to compare notes and is very proud of their system and accomplishments : ) Sean
I kinda wish I was DIY before I started buying expensive stuff. $500 in parts will build you a $2500 amp. $1,000 spent on speaker drivers and xover parts, and any commerical design would be going for at leat 4x times that. The only real downside is resale value can be a little tough to nonexistent.
Absolutely D.I.Y......I've had some very fine results building and bettering speakers.I also buy high quality cable and connectors in bulk and make my own speaker cables,interconnects and power cords.I really appreciate fine craftsmanship and after opening up many speakers, components and cables to notice the less than stellar handwork I decided that if you want the job done right D.I.Y....It's a great feeling to know that every connection and solder joint is solid.Take a look inside any Sonic Frontiers,ARC,Audible Illutions,Pass Labs equipment for superior workmanship,to give credit where credit is due.
i'm too green when it comes to tech stuff so i i'm a LDDI..LET the DESIGNER DO IT..heck he's got all the measurements on the drivers i choose..knows all the best xover parts..