Best and Worst presentation

Regardless of the equipment that was being auditioned

What was the best acoustically treated dealer/homeowner showroom?

What was the worst?
I'll assume that this is directed toward hi-end stores only and not the mid-fi dealers. Even my "worst" hi-end room is better than nearly all mid-fi dealer rooms.
Best= Precision A/V, Moorpark, CA
Worst= Audio Ecstasy, SLO, CA (Nice folks but the room needs help).
Just callin' it as I hears it.
There is a local store that carries a lot of nice gear including Levinson, Revel, Maggies, etc. I auditioned the Revel Studios driven by all Levinson gear in a room that was quite large (several different setups around the perimeter), about 1/2 of the flooring was tile, vaulted ceilings and one of the long walls (probably 50 feet or so) was all glass. Luckily, the room was so obviously horrible that I haven't written off what I'm sure is superb gear, because it sounded terrible (at least when you looked at the sticker price while listening). This store has since changed locations. -Kirk
Their equipment is first rate. Their staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Their showroom has the acoustics of an old barn. (Or at least it did the last time I was in there 4 years ago.) I referring to Audio Concepts on Preston Road in Dallas, TX.

The thing about that, though, is that any gear I bought from them always sounded much better, AFTER I got it home. :)

As for the best, I'm still waiting to hear...
There could be a bunch of gear in one room but SPEAKERS you have to audition without any speakers standing next to. If the dealer hooks them up to you next to other -- ask to remove. The next standing speakers' drivers will definitely create extra resonance.