Hissing sound from right speaker

I fired up the system last night and began listening to a LP that sounded like it had horrible surface noise. Upon investigation, it was not the LP, but a loud hissing noise coming from the preamp. When I muted the preamp, the sound went away. By changing input selector (LP, CD, etc.) there was no change. It is a Klyne pre plugged into a PS Audio 300 power supply.

Any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this issue?
you may be losing a tube , move them from right to left and see if the hiss follows.
Klyne preamps are solid state!! I really think he does not have a bad tube.

Could be a bad resistor, which is why I would seek professional help. Call Klyne first.

Thanks for yoru responses. After the problem occured, I turned everything off overnight. Last night I fired it back up and had could not replicate the problem, even after 2 hours of steady listening. This probably lends credence to an intermittent tube issue in my amps (Manley Neo Classic's). I appreciate the input and will troubleshoot accordingly should the problem rear it's ugly head.
