What brand outlet for dedicated lines?

I am looking to add dedicated lines and am researching the best (within reason) outlet for this application. Many have told me Hubbell HBL8300HI -- any suggestions?
Check out the Cable Company in their news letter thay have lots of info about their electrical outlets.
As Maxgain suggested check out Alan's website. I like the Hubbell 5362, Hubbell 8300, Wattgate 381, Acme silver plated (in the order listed however they are all good in their own ways). The above are cryo'd, with the exception of the Wattgate 381. A lot depends upon your system and the type of sound you want to achieve.
I too like the Hubbells although mine aren't cryo'ed-- yet:>) I can also recommend the FIM 880 although more expensive at $55-60.
I don't think Albert is still selling them. He did a run with payment in advance. Based on the success I think it is possible he will do it again sometime--but I don't know for sure. Hopefully he'll show up on this thread and let us know.