What brand outlet for dedicated lines?

I am looking to add dedicated lines and am researching the best (within reason) outlet for this application. Many have told me Hubbell HBL8300HI -- any suggestions?
Sorry to arrive so late in this thread, I am still playing catch up from having spent five days at CES.

Several people have recently asked about getting additional cryo treated Hubbells. I would do it again, provided we get enough people to get the discount.
Hi Albert,

I am game for two more of the cryoed Hubbells. If you decide to go ahead with this, count me in.

Albert, glad to hear from you. The outlets ARE wonderful!

I am just a bit disappointed that so very few of the participants posted their findings about the "Ports" on the "needs 50" thread. Perhaps if you were to ask what peoples findings were they might respond.(Judit, you are one of the guilty parties)

I am not sure why you would want to go to all that work again? You must be, as I mentioned before, a HiFi Saint of some sort.
Hi Albert, count me in for 2 each. I have been looking around for months. So glad I did not miss the train this time!!!