What brand outlet for dedicated lines?

I am looking to add dedicated lines and am researching the best (within reason) outlet for this application. Many have told me Hubbell HBL8300HI -- any suggestions?
Based on this thread and a couple of emails, we have (maybe) 15 outlets spoken for. When we did this last time, I bought 14 for myself, so getting to the 50 minimum was easy.

Yes, the price stays the same, $36.00 for the outlet, cryo treatment, and round trip shipping to obtain treatment. Shipping to recipient was a few extra dollars and covered the (new) plain white box, packing pellets, FedEx and insurance.
Hi Albert. I just bought a few Hubbell 8300 and IG5352. What's the cost just for the cryo-treatment. Thanks.
I also have 100 P&S 5352 to consider treating for the 2 duplex PowerBoxes I'm assembling for A'goners. What's the batch capacity and cost for the treatment. Maybe we can get to fifty if I supply the remaining outlets? RSVP. Ernie 781 483-3922
I also emailed Albert. I asked him to put me down for one or two outlets (probably two).
OK gang, it's go time! If you are serious about a group purchase of Porter Ports, contact Albert.

There is a lot of talk, but Albert needs a true count of units to see if we have enough to make this happen.


Thank you Albert!!!