Cryo treated wires?

What difference does it make? Has anyone compared the before and after result?
Sean; thanks for a touch of levity. I think this thread has run its course-- and besides we've now got a real war to hold our attention. No Cheers on that;>( Craig
If cables almost cost you your marriage I would curtail experimenting with cables for awhile!LOL

What I think is significant is taking a inexpensive IC(Beldens) and turning it into a contender with ultra priced cables such as Transparents.

If this is the case then it is a highly desired process.Listening today I became aware of things that were not apparent before in recordings.High Frequency info like Cymbals are beginning to come through more which is what I was after.
Jeez, and I thought the UN was a debating society. Apparently my actual experience with two identical cables (one cryo treated, one kept as a constant in the test) wasn't nearly as interesting to people as debating hypotheticals.

Of course, the former is based on real experience and had an identifiable outcome, while the later allows differences to remain in the realm of opinion and belief so nobody ever has to change their mind- which sometimes seems to be the main point of this hobby.

And, no, I'm not interested in entering the debate. Just cryo your cables and enjoy the music.
No,the debating society is over at Audio Reviews Cable BB!

There you will find the most congenial people to tell you that there is no diff in cables and they seem to know more about it then the cable cos. themselves.You have to agree with this viewpoint or you are spanked for every post that differs.

They love science over there also.Way ahead of Einstein!