What would it take to balance a stereo power amp ?

I am in a band and own the P.A. system that we use . In the interest of eliminating hum and noise I have decided to run it balanced . The main FOH system is tri-amped with an electronic crossover going into three seperate stereo power amps. Two of them have balanced inputs but one of them does not . The "unbalanced" amp is an older model that has given me years of trusty service and I don't want to replace it if unnecessary to do so . What would it take to balance it ?
Obviously , it would have to be an inexpensive retrofit or it wouldn't be worth the cost or aggravation . Any help would be greatly appreciated .
There's really nothing you can do to balance the amp if it was designed single ended. Your only choices are to continue to run it unbalance, or replace it.
There is a way & it's very simple to accomplish!
All you need to do is install some balancing transformers on the inputs, assuming you can solder & you have basic electronics skills? Steve McCormack has these parts available. Very likely you can also get them from Michael Percy Audio. A local musician instrument shop is another likely source if you're not seeking anything too esoteric (I wouldn't - based upon the context of your post).
I agree completely with Bob Bundus. It's easy, cheap, and done all the time in pro-gear setups. They even have adapter plugs which have the balancing transformers built right into them, and have the XLR on one end and the RCA on the other.