Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....

It appears that "high end" audio gear is moving backwards rather than forwards. If you doubt this, take a look at the November 2003 issue and the test results of the electronics reviewed.

As a case in point, the Pass XA160 mono-block amps that were reviewed perform pretty horribly. While most folks that read these forums know that i'm not shy about being a fan of Nelson Pass' work, i don't have much good to say about these over-priced boat anchors. Most will probably remember what a hard time that i gave the PS Audio HCA-2. In effect, most of the comments that i made about that amp apply to this amp. From what i can tell, the comments that i made about the PS may not be strong enough as compared to how poorly the XA160's performed, especially at the price. Lack of current output, high distortion figures, non-linear frequency responses, the ability for the loudspeaker to modulate the output of the amp, etc... were all evident in the test results. To top it off, the input and output impedances will make this unit quite sensitive to the components ( preamp, speakers, etc...) that it is mated with.

Regardless of who's name is on this unit, how "pretty" it looks ( gorgeous ), what it weighs (200 lbs per monoblock) and the parts quality inside, quite honestly, this unit performed like a really crappy "vintage" ( read that as "low tech" ) tubed unit from the days prior to audio civilization. All this "eye candy" and a sore back for only $18K a pair !!!

As we move to the next product review, we look at the BAT VK-51SE. While this unit was more consistent than the Pass, some of the design choices made are obviously not good ones. The most obvious flaw that i see with this unit is that it changes sound / tonal balance as the volume is varied. Even when the gain control is adjusted for the flattest response, the top end starts sloping off gradually above 5 KHz. As you increase the gain, you now introduce low frequency roll-off into the equation also. If really standing on the throttle, the unit doesn't even make it down to 100 Hz within a -3 dB tolerance window !!! Obviously, this is not very good or linear and is poorer performance than one would expect out of a "reasonable" pair of speakers, NOT line level components !!!

As such, you can't expect consistent sonics from this unit unless you listen at one gain setting. If you have only one source component and all your recordings are of the same intensity, you "might" be able to find a reasonable setting. Since i highly doubt that this is the case, especially the part about consistent volume from recording to recording, you can pretty much count this out.

On top of the variations that this unit produces on its' own, one can introduce a whole new gang of variables into the equation once you start factoring in input / output impedances into the equation. I'll just say that this unit isn't going to be very versatile in terms of what components it mates up with in terms of amp selection. All this "high tech performance" for only $8500. Make that $9000 if you want the convenience of a remote.

Moving a few pages further, we run into the "giant killer" AH! Njoe Tjoeb ( pronounced "new tube" ) 4000 cd player. This is a highly modified / hot-rodded Marantz unit with tubes added, a "super clock" and the option of a "plug & play" upsampling board, fancy footers and an upgraded power cord. Depending on what you want to spend, the base unit is $700. If you go for the unit fully loaded with options, you can feel your bank account drained to the tune of about $1200.

Take one look at the frequency response of this unit and you'll see that it is far from "neutral". To top it off, distortions are higher along with a lack of suppression of AC harmonics. Jitter is pretty high for a unit with a "superclock" i.e. higher than other units i've seen with no "superclock". As such, this unit doesn't appear to be a "killer" of any type other than being able to "flatten your wallet in one swift motion".

Obviously, "high end" has come full circle. That is, it would appear that "audiophiles" are more concerned with asthaetics and reputation than actual performance and fidelity. The folks that used to laugh at Bang & Olufsen are now falling for looks at an even higher price. While the sonics may differ from Bang & Olufsen, the end result is that none of these units are "accurate" or capable of being called "high fidelity" units any more than Bang & Olufsen gear of yester-year was. The fact that B&O are now trying to jump back into "high end" with some truly innovative products just goes to show that one can't judge a company or product by its' cover any more.

Having said that, the above mentioned products can't really be called "Hi-Fi components". What they can be called are "flavoured audiophile toys". The funny thing is that J. Gordon Holt had commented on this type of situation arising within the industry and there are letters in this issue agreeing with that point of view. J. Peter Moncrieff also talked about that in IAR Hotline 76-80 quite a while back and found it rather pathetic. Count me in with that crowd too.

I do have to credit JA and the guys for having the guts to print these test results. While there is plenty of "dancing" in all of the reviews along with more than enough "gushing" ( the Pass review in specific ), it was pretty obvious that JA really DID make mention of the technical problems that each of these products displayed. As usual, Stereophile remains consistent in the fact that they continue to test, measure and display the results for all to see. For this, i offer a very hardy pat on the back, vigorous hand-clapping and whistling. THANK YOU from all of us that like reading and interpreting spec's for ourselves. Having said that, JA still tried to down-play these flaws somewhat by giving the "old soft shoe" at the end of his technical comments.

As i've said before, one has to buy and use what they like and makes them happy. With all of the various and BLATANT "flavouring" that is going on with audio gear nowadays, one really must know what they want and how well components will blend together in their system. It would appear that the days of trying to achieve "accuracy" and "musicality" with with each piece of gear are over. Now audio is kind of like Baskin-Robbins i.e. you've got to know what you like before you order what are VERY specific "flavours" for each product selected.

Let the buyer beware.... Sean

PS... I've got my flame repellent armour on along with an oxygen tank and a full battery of weapons. After this post and the responses that i think i'll get, i know that i'll need all of that and maybe more : )
The post below was taken from another thread. Rather than respond in that thread and throw it completely off course, i took the liberty of tranfering it here. After all, the main idea being discussed / commented on was basically derived from the thoughts i presented here and in other similar threads.


03-09-04: Stehno
Barry, Now you did it. You went and made Sean angree.

Do you know what Sean did to the last mfg'er that made him angree? Just ask the folks around here or at Legacy.

It was not pretty. {I shudder just thinking about it}.

Well, Barry, it's, um, been nice, um, chatting with you but I really, uh, must go now.


Here's my response:

Stehno: What should a person do when they are aware of fraud, corruption and lies taking place? Obviously, these actions are done in order to scam less knowledgable individuals out of their hard earned money and have been taking place on a continual basis for years.

Should a person with a conscience just mind their own business and continue to let others less knowledgable fall for the scam? Should this person speak up and try to help those potentially at risk at the expense of possibly being ostracized for being a "goody two shoes", "know-it-all", "internet bully"? Obviously, there are two different paths to take here, each with different repurcussions. Which one would you take?

Here's something else to consider before making that decision. Besides angering those doing the scamming, the person exposing the situation runs the risk of being labeled an "asshole" by those that have already been scammed and don't know it and / or are too vain to admit it. As such, no matter what they do i.e. try to help spare others what they know to be a costly mistake based on verifiable facts OR expose the scam artists for what they are, it is a no-win situation for that person.

Please tell me which path you think is loaded with roses i.e. being a passive observer and watching others get robbed or taking a stand for what you know is right at your own personal risk and reputation. I'm sure that your answer will provide great insight. Sean

PS... I'm serious and would like a response. You can do it via email if you like, but i would prefer it be done here. After all, if i am going to pass judgment on industry professionals and their products and you are going to pass judgment on me for doing so, i'd like to have as big and varied of a jury as possible to weigh both sides of the story.

Hi Sean,

Would you please clarify your post above. Which company do you believe had been perpetrating fraud, corruption and lies?

Best Regards,

Barry: The company that you are involved with isn't one of those i was discussing. On top of that, i'm not going to single out ANYBODY with those specific statements as i'm not THAT dumb in terms of legalities. I'll just present a scenario and let you answer it for yourself.

What would you call a company whose products don't meet their own published specifications, yet continues to produce, advertise and sell them as is? As far as i know, they would be guilty of both fraud and conspiracy. Obviously, anyone that makes a living by mis-representing their products via "lying to the public" is nothing less than "corrupt"*. Unfortunately, the FTC doesn't get involved in this type of stuff like they should.

When reviewers "overlook" these self-flattering yet unsubstantiated claims made by these manufacturers and report on what wonderful products these flawed pieces of junk are, they too are just as corrupt. The fact that they are willing to lie to their readers, sometimes even with evidence that completely contradicts them found in the same "review", makes them just as much of a fraud and part of the conspiracy.

I really have to wonder just how much "truth in reporting" actually takes place now-a-days? It's no wonder that people don't like being told the truth. When you try to do that, all you end up doing is "confusing them with the facts". That's probably because they've been spoon-fed so many lies on a regular basis that they can no longer think for themselves or know what the truth looks like any more. Sean

PS... Do yourself a favour and respond to Stehno's comments / questions in the thread that directed you here.

* They left out one very important and highly descriptive word when defining "fraud". That word would be "politician" : )
Hello? Is anybody there?

I have taken the liberty of moving this topic back to the thread in which I was in simply because I know how to do this. threadous _postous_interruptous

While I admit that I more admire, concerning this one narrow issue of specsmanship, companies inclined to understate measured performance rather than overstate it, there is gear which I am happy with in my own system from companies that I believe do indulge in a little 'optimism' in this area. Is this 'fraud'? If it is, I can't say I care very much as long as a component nevertheless gives all the sonic enjoyment I could ask of it.

I feel it is fairly routine, for instance, for electronic gear tested in Stereophile to show S/N figures that are worse than claimed, or I/O impedance figures bearing only a passing resemblance to spec. On the other hand, amp power figures into various loads and at differing distortion levels often seem to be as frequently understated as overstated, and *both* directions of disparity could be, perhaps ironically, attributed as much to marketing considerations as anything else. When it comes to speakers and frequency response, tolerances criticized above must be taken into account with the knowledge that the way in which test results are obtained has a major impact on reported figures, and that JA's test regimen is quite limited in certain crucial respects that could cause it to diverge significantly from methods which a speaker manufacturer might deem most representative for modeling real-world performance.

Anyway, I still say none of this actually establishes that new gear is 'getting worse', or is in general more at odds with its claimed specs than was older gear.