Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
No mention of BAT 75SE/150SE from anyone?

I have owned nearly 20 amps, BAT is the one that stopped me from upgrading even though I still buy interesting gears to try sometimes and always end up selling others.

I did not count, but notice KFL has more tube than SS?
My Odyssey Audio Stratos Extreme+++ amp is the best solid state to ever grace my living room. This is definitely a keeper.

spectron musician 3 mk2... WOW! to my ears, it just does everything sooooo right.
Threshold SA3, 50 watts of pure class A bliss with just a couple of simple mods. But sold it in the 90's and still regreting it.
Have had many amps. ML, Plinus, ARC, VAC, Threshold, and a few others. Have found audio heaven with the Cary 211M ANV custom built to order by Cary with mundorf silver/oil caps, teflon tube sockets, silver cryo treated fuse holders all put together with Cardas silver/cooper solder. Unbeleiveably musical, one of its kind and a keeper.